Thursday, August 6, 2009

Unas fotos de Las Islas Galápagos

!Un viaje increíble! on PhotoPeach

Day 4 Post

It is really interesting to see how much the use of technology and web-based programs have changed both the educational and social world. My students laugh when I say that I didn't have Instant Messenger until college or that I don't have a facebook page. They can't imagine living without all of these technologies.

These new technologies seem very promising in that they teach people to work collaboratively and to value the help and input of others. It is also a way to find others who share common interests.
¿Por qué hay "se" en cada oración? on PhotoPeach

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Digital Storytelling

I think the use of these new technologies has the potential to really enhance the classroom, but I liked that the articles also recognized that the trial and error method will be necessary at the beginning. I like the idea of piloting these new technologies with one class and then tweaking them as needed for future use.

Another important piece with using these more creativity based assignments is making sure to give students freedom while also finding a way to hold them accountable.

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Podcast Readings

I read the following two articles regarding podcasting: Listening to Themselves:Podcasting Takes Lessons Beyond the Classroom & What Has Podcasting Done for You?: Great Things Often Begin in Small Ways. The first article talked about the importance of teaching students how to communicate and refine their speaking skills. I think that having students do podcasts will force them to think more critically about what they are saying and how they are saying it. What a great motivator for students! It is also a nice change of pace from having students create videos or powerpoint presentations where they often focus more on the images, costumes, or slide transitions than the actual content. The podcast is a great way to assess students on their speaking skills without other things getting in their way.

The other article I read talked about a school where students were responsible for creating podcasts for the daily announcements. It is a nice way for students to take ownership and pride in their school community while working on their speaking skills.

Monday, August 3, 2009

1st post

This is my first blog. Let's see if it works.